bright together
An enormous umbrella as meeting point, hidden in the corner. An installation, that attracts passers-by by flickering lights. "bright together" is a LED light installation, that visualizes the frequency of people stopping by. Sensors recognize a person and the longer he or she stays, the more lights will shine. And when enought people gather under the umbrella, the hole object glows in the dark.
This Project was made with hdw partner gmbh for "Luminale 2016 bienale lighting culture" in frankfurt/offenbach
Photos and filming by anton sahler

wind & knarz
Nowadays, aging seems to be a kind of crisis, everyone wants to avoid. Wind and Knarz are two sidetables, which age with the user. By using solid wood pieces which change by moisture slowly over time, the tables change their appearance. The tables accompany the user while aging and give him a new perspective on aging and getting older.

open flux
Open flux is an installation dealing with the topics of wasting water and its value.
A lampshade of ice melts but keeps the light of the lamp alive. When the lampshade is gone the light goes off.
This project was made together with maria boddin.

dilettante shapes
Dilettante shapes is an experimental process which investigates how objects change during the procedure of communication. Therefor objects were designed to be examined by various people for a certain amount of time. After the object was taken away, they were asked to rebuild it. To underline the chain of communication, every participant had to rebuild the object his or her predecessor built.
The built objects were then used as a mould for a coloured casting material. The colour got more intense from object to object, so the colour illustrates the objects's position in a certain experimental series.
Two working stations structure the process in the building process for the participants and the casting process. By the end, the experimental series show that the objects did not change by chance but they become more and more simpler in their shape depending how much steps in the test run it took so far.
The work was rewarded with an appreciation and a special award at the International Marianne Brand Contest 2013
photos by michel klehm

model kit for curiosities
Inspired by the history of renaissance wunderkammers, I designed a model kit for curiosities. Like wunderkammer owners, who were keen to trump eachother with even more exotic and strange objects, you are able to create your own unique objects. After pressing objects into the two-pieced mould from foam, you can cast your own little pieces which tell their own little story. The kit includes everything you need to create your own litte objects. Also you can find in the box step by step instructions to start immediately by building your wunderkammer.

The idea behind this project is to have a mobile outdoor workspace. Inspired by journeymen, who carry their belongings on their shoulders, “hobo” brings all you need for an outdoor workingspace: An one-legged stool which allows you to sit everywhere, a foldable table, which can be leaned against trees oder walls or when transported, can be carried, together with the stool, on the back, and a tabletop, which can be used as a bag for your belongings.
photos by michel klehm

The shelf is a freely combinable system that forms a chaotic furniture which can grow however you want it and need it to. The shelf-system consists of three frame-elements in different lengths and three inner elements, also in three different lengths. This provides a free and chaotic assembling.
Every shelf looks different and can be extended everytime.
I worked together with Franz Wagner on this project.

For the international design festival in Leipzig, Designer`s Open 2010, a stand for an exhibition of polish design had to be designed. As basic elements we used standard cardboard boxes wrapped in white plastic foil. To create a plane and clean surface where the design objects can be put on, we placed red PVC plates on top of the cardboard boxes.
This project was made during my internship at Studio Hartensteiner, Leipzig
photos by matthias ritzmann